Third Opinion Partners has experience and expertise in supporting senior management teams and boards of Fortune 1000 organizations in Asia and globally with our Top Team Effectiveness solutions.
The Challenge
Top teams by default, are the most important teams in the organization because decision and strategy-making tend to cascade from the top, and they are more exposed to wider external environments as part of their responsibilities. Unfortunately, high-performance top teams are exceptionally rare.
The key difference between average teams and exceptional teams lies in aspects of trust, ability to debate issues, commitment, accountability and clarity of goals. Great teams also have good structure, pay great attention to results and have suitable supporting processes.
What We Have Found About Developing a High-Performing Top Team
Top Teams often encounter problems unique to them
Conflict over available resources
Adapting to external environment
Misaligned performance goals
Varying agendas within an organization – Power politics
Balancing multiple stakeholders

Benefits Of Top Teams Development Interventions
Benefits in Strategy
Hone strategic foresight
Improve decision-making and strategic problem-solving
Benefits in Collaboration
Enhance cross-boundary collaboration
Raise mutual awareness, knowledge and information sharing
Improve ability to handle conflict
Benefits in Culture
Act as role models for other teams in the organization
Enhance a sense of top team value
Enhance clarity around top priorities
Our Approach to Enhance Top Team Effectiveness
From short-term interventions such as board retreats to longer-term engagements such as a full-fledged 2-year program that may involve active observation and participation in senior management meetings, Third Opinion Partners consultants have the experience and expertise to facilitate high-level discussions with with senior leaders on key strategic issues impacting their organizations.
We understand that team development is a journey and any positive change within the top team will have a significant impact on the whole organization. With our in-depth expertise in leadership development and team effectiveness, we are committed to work with your senior leadership team to maximise their individual and team effectiveness and performance.
Top Team Effectiveness solutions Serve our clients with Six objectives

Build self and team awareness
Build rapport and understanding between team members
Drive organizational transformation
Re-shape the desired culture of the organization
Chart new directions for the organization
Resolve team dysfunctions
Our Approach In Designing Your Top Team Effectiveness Program
Every team is unique and its state also changes over time. Prior to designing a Top Team Effectiveness program, we conduct a number of Team Diagnostic activities in order to gain an understanding of the top team, their team dynamics, and key issues they currently face, as well as surface developmental needs of individual team members.
The Third Opinion Partners' approach in designing on impactful Top Team Effectiveness Program consists of 3 interventions:
Top Team Effectiveness Frameworks & Assessments
Depending on the team situation and context, Third Opinion Partners employs a range of frameworks to help top teams increase their level of team effectiveness. We strive to be on the cutting edge of leadership ideas and research, and find the best solutions to fit our clients’ needs.
We also have an expanded repertoire of frameworks and tools from which to draw on, and multiple linkages to other thought leaders and experts. Some examples of Team Effectiveness frameworks we have used include Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of Teams, Dave Logan’s Tribal Leadership, Saj-nicole Joni’s Geography of Trust, and the Myers-Briggs Team Type Analysis.
For an impactful Top Team Effectiveness program, we recommend the top team to conduct a Team Assessment during the Team Diagnostics phase and at the end of the whole program. The results of the assessment provide the team with a platform to identify and discuss issues around the team’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas where team members have significantly differing perspectives.
The Table group's
Team Assessment
Based on Patrick Lencioni's best-selling book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Table Group's Team Assessment is a simple and easy-to-use tool for leaders and managers looking to make their teams more cohesive and effective. Used by nearly half a million professionals, it has helped transform the landscape of teamwork in terms of building team effectiveness. With only 42 questions and a custom color-coded report, this Team Assessment provides teams with practical, usable data that will help address their most critical issues and begin to make tangible progress right away.
Dave Logan's Tribal Leadership
Most leaders agree that culture is the critical factor in performance, but can’t define it, measure it, or change it. As a result, the few organizations that get culture right seem magical, and people who try to replicate their success usually end up frustrated and cynical. The New York Times #1 Bestseller, Tribal Leadership, is required reading for leaders that want to make a tangible difference in their organization through their culture.
The book shows two simple steps — diagnosis and then the best treatment that leaders take to build cultures that can do things most people think are impossible: out-innovating, outperforming, creating an immunity to scandals, and having mountains of fun in the process.
Myers-Briggs Team Type Analysis
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. According to the Myers-Briggs Company, publisher of the MBTI instrument, more than 2 million people complete MBTI Questionnaires annually in the US alone, making it the most widely used and reliable personality assessment in the world. Over 50 years of research and use support the MBTI instrument's reliability as a useful tool for management and human resource development, career and personal counseling, team building, and improving communication.

Denison Organizational Culture Survey
Denison Organizational Culture Survey is developed based on the Denison Model that highlights four traits of a high-performing team: Mission, Adaptability, Involvement, and Consistency. The pulse survey measures the behaviors that demonstrate the four traits behind an organization’s culture. Using the survey tool, we facilitate important conversations and create thoughtful actions that could drive organizational cultural change.